Tuesday 9 April 2013

Coming soon – book

So where is it then, this book? Is there a bustle on the bookshelf?
a Rottweiler on speed
Well; the truth is there are issues. Book issues rather than books being issued.
A title is still undecided and a front cover is lacking.
When one peruses the pages of wisdom; the blogs of those that know and pages of those that can and have, two things become evident: you need a title that’s the Dog’s Bollox and a front cover that grabs the attention like a Rottweiler on speed sniffing the front of your pants!

So here’s the issues:

The title:
Miss, Miss, how many fingers am I holding up? 
I have the sub-title. Everything they don’t tell you in uni about being a primary school teacher. The possibilities for the main title are legion; to many to mention here. My friend Rish, who teaches future primary teachers, ran a few ideas past some of his charges and they went for the infantile: Miss, Miss, Steve’s done a poo! They also liked, Miss, Miss, yer knickers are on fire! And some liked, At the Front of the Class: How to avoid a massacre. My pal Debs likes, Miss, Miss, how many fingers am I holding up? But then there’s the copyright issues.


The front cover:
If you’re an artist/designer/graphic designer/whatever and you feel like drawing a very small drawing of a small boy doing a poo in class, or a St Valentine’s Day Massacre in class……. On you go and send me the results. Clearly you stand to make a small fortune in royalties. Very small. Infinitely small. Fame and fortune beckon; not this century, but who knows what posterity will bring.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Scared Shitless; Crapping yourself in Class

This blog shares a title with a new book, coming very soon on Kindle and Create Space, that will help you with this and much, much more. Classroom control of course; jobs, home and abroad; good schools and bad schools - where are they; your colleagues and how to treat them; decoding jargon; your health;  

Is this what you're seeing

When this is what you want to see
Never fear,
Help is here,
This little book,
Will give you a killer look!

Need to be brave?
Don’t rant and rave,
Just buy this little tome,
And you’ll smile all the way home!

If Steve is being a pain,
And raising Cain,
Just pin his ears to the wall.
And let him take the fall!

Train them to walk my way,
And keep it up every day,
They’ll soon be in your band,
Eating out of your hand!

This book of tricks,
You’ll learn in two ticks,
Is the bees knees,
Life will be a breeze!

Follow my recipe for class control,
At least you're not likely to see her...... are you?
And life will soon be a stroll,
What more can I say?
Place and order today!